A reverse phone number lookup is a process that is carried out when the person being searched is not available for direct directory assistance. Still, directory assistance can oblige a few of their information and best reverse phone number. The process includes entering the phone number in a search engine where the number will be traced down to the person who answers the call.
More effective than paper
Ten years ago, if one wanted to find a phone number by name and address, one had three choices. One could look in the yellow pages, look over the Internet, or look in the phone book. If one wanted to find a specific phone number, one went through one company or another.
Then someone invented the Web. And the Web changed everything. With a click of their mouse, one can find phone numbers by name and address, by type of business, and even by phone number type (mobile or landline). And one can find phone numbers for people and businesses all over the world.
The new online service is called reverse phone search. It’s made by a company called People Finders.com. People Finders began as two companies, Tele411 and People Finders.com. Tele411 had listed telephone numbers for over 250 million businesses, and People Finders was working with a network of 1,500 databases in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Australia.
The companies merged in 2000, and today the company has 14 million records in 40 million locations. CEO Bill McInnis says that “the beauty of reverse phone search is that every number one type into the website comes back with a list of businesses that carry that number. The reverse phone search lists give one instant access to telephone directories, directories of business types, and the Yellow Pages.
One sees, reverse phone search is different in that it offers more. With reverse phone search, one can search for phone numbers by the person who owns the number. So, for example, if their boss calls one and one does not know his number, one can search by company name or address to find his phone number.