“420 Friendly” is a term that was coined by marijuana smokers to describe the kind of people who enjoy cannabis with them. It has become a slang term for those who are “down” with their smoke, in the know about the culture, and unashamed of their involvement.
What makes a 420 Friendly person?
It is impossible to answer this question completely because one must be involved in the culture and media surrounding marijuana use to understand and ultimately define what “420 Friendly” is. With this being said, we can still make some generalizations about 420 Friendly people to learn what is 420 Friendly. These people have at least one thing in common: they all share marijuana in some way. Whether it’s partaking themselves or being involved with those who do, they are all part of the smoking circle, so to speak. They are accepting of others’ decisions and do not judge them because they know exactly what it’s like. It is an unspoken bond that allows maybe even a deeper connection than cannabis use brings on its own.
What are some ways that 420 Friendly people show their friendship?
Unfortunately, 420 Friendly people are being exposed to many different types of media. From television shows, to movies, and even commercials, there is a constant barrage of communication from the culture as a whole. Because of this constant exposure to information about marijuana users, 420 Friendly people are also inundated with the idea that “a stoner” is someone who is not very smart or who does not know how to handle themselves in certain situations. This type of negative thinking has led to the assumption that 420 Friendly people do not care how others may judge them because they share their substance and enjoy it together.
What is 420 Friendly?
420 Friendly is primarily defined as a social circle of cannabis users. This means that the 420 friendly person(s) are involved with users either by consuming marijuana or working with those who do. The second definition would be that they know how to handle themselves while “high” or while experiencing some form of substance intoxication. You cannot simply be in a social circle without knowing how to handle yourself when you are “out there”. Becoming “out there” is simply a part of being 420 Friendly, and it has nothing to do with stoners versus nonsmokers.
How do 420 Friendly people show their friendship?
Being 420 Friendly has nothing to do with engaging in the use of marijuana. With that being said, there are many ways people show their friendship and acceptance of each other as a person, not just someone who uses marijuana. Being a “friend” means you know someone, and that’s all it means. If you know someone who uses marijuana, then you are already a part of the “420” circle. It’s just a matter of whether or not you’re comfortable with your role within the culture and how much further you want to go in it.